Please pray for me.

I have to deal with a major, major problem. Work-related personnel issue. If anyone is still reading this pitiful blog, I could use your prayers. Even my atheist readers, come on, help a brutha out.

Please pray that I can relax - I do NOT deal with stress well. And that a solution amenable to everyone involved presents itself.



Anonymous said...

You will be in my prayers during my hour at adoration tonight.

Anonymous said...

FWIW I got your back.

Cacciaguida said...

You get the next three Masses I attend (Commemoration of the Living: Memento, Domine, famulorum, famularumque tuarum).

You da empress.

Jane said...

Prayers from this corner, as well.

Anonymous said...

You have my prayers.

And this ain't no pitiful blog. It's pure eviliciousness.

Flambeaux said...

Count on the prayers.

And you post more frequently than I do, so you may NOT lay claim to pathetic in describing a blog.

I pwn pathetic blogdom.


Anonymous said...

My prayers for you, too.