Fear of the "Pre-Embryo" -

What is it that people fear about the embryo, or the far more noxious "pre-embryo," which is not yet implanted in the uterine wall? "I value human life," they say, "but OF COURSE the pre-embryo is just a potential human, not to be compared with you and me." (The "you" in that sentence is often just a meaningless verbal tic.)
Now why is that? Why is the "pre-embryo" not ever to be compared with us full human beings? What is it that differentiates us IN KIND from the "pre-embryo" such that he can be killed as a hobby but not us?
My guess is that he is not yet able to express his great pride, or to hide his fear of being revealed as merely a child of God, with no claims to greatness or authority that will not turn to ash in the coming age. If only our "pre-embryo" had these qualities, we could admit him to our company.

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