Things I learned between 2:30 and 7:30 am on Thursday

I couldn't sleep Thursday night so got up and watched TV and read the paper. I first watched a crappy* Lifetime channel movie (redundant, I know) about a ballerina who is the victim of attempted rape by her father-in-law, who tries to silence her by persuading her husband that she is having "women's problems" and referring them to a malevolent psychiatrist friend who drugs her heavily and convinces her husband to have her committed to a state mental hospital "for 2 or 3 days." To a man, every employee of the dirty, old state hospital further drugs, abuses and isolates her for months in order to mooch off her health insurance. Then she gets out and finally recovers with the help of a new, young shrink who is "modern" and "open." The nice young shrink helps her to convince her husband to finally believe her and stand up to his towering father. As always in these movies everything would have been OK if only the men had listened to the women.

Then I watched part of a VH1 special about pr0n star Jenna Jameson. It was fairly oblique about what she really does of course, but that made it watchable. Three things jumped out at me. First, her relationship with her father was at one point quite strained (as you can imagine) but began to improve after she took him to an "adult film" awards show at which she won an unprecedented number of awards. His comment was, "If she's going to do this, at least she's the best!" He now seems to respect her for her success and they have an OK relationship. My thought was completely opposite. If (God forbid) a relative of mine was to get into that business, I would want him to be the worst pr0n star ever. Maybe then he would get out of the business or at least not become famous and a shame on the family.
Second, Jenna is married. After she got married, she first planned to do only lesbian movies (because that's not adulterous, I guess) then her husband, who formerly directed pr0n movies but did not perform, decided to perform with her so that she could appear with a man in her films. How weird that they now respect the institution of marriage enough to radically alter their behavior! It shows at least SOME respect for sex as reserved for marriage, although in Jenna's case that respect was clearly non-existent before marriage. Odd.
Third, Jenna reported that she wanted, "more than anything else in the whole world," to have a baby. Ironic for a woman who has had more sex than 99% of other people. The special did not say whether she was having trouble conceiving or using birth control for now, though the former is likely given the number of diseases she must have. Further, Jenna says that "as soon as she becomes pregnant," she will "never set foot in a studio again" and will leave pr0nography forever. Again - why? How is it that she understands a mother cannot behave this way, but thinks a non-mother should? I didn't want to ponder this woman's issues too much, but wow, does she need our prayers. The only thing I can figure is that she has some sort of deep self-esteem problem, such that she thinks it is OK for her to be treated like an object, unless that treatment impedes a more important obligation she has to someone else.

I also learned that the Bun & Thigh Roller lifts and firms you in those problem areas.

*Sorry, that is the only word that aptly describes the quality of this movie.

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