People are SO RUDE!

I pick up the phone at my new job today. Anticipating a call at the same time, I don't answer with my typical "Zorak the Mantis" greeting. Keep in mind, as you are reading, that my employer currently sells no products or services.

Zorak: "Hello."
Obnoxious caller: "Do you accept credit cards?"
Zorak: "Who are you trying to reach?"
Obnoxious caller: "Do you accept credit cards?"
Zorak: "Who are you trying to reach?"
Obnoxious caller: "Do you accept credit cards?"
Zorak: "Who are you trying to reach?"
Obnoxious caller: "Name of Zorak's Employer."
Zorak: "Who is calling?"
Obnoxious caller: Sighs. "Iris. Do you accept credit cards?"
Zorak: "For what?"
Obnoxious caller. "Thank you." Hangs up.

Right. I'm really, really difficult because I want to know who is calling me, what for, and why they need to know if my employer accepts credit cards. Arrrrgh.

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