One last thing on contraception
Awhile back we were discussing contraception, with Gene and others making the case that NFP is just as open to selfish use as contraception is. One thought I have had since that time but failed to blog is this: Try it. This option will not be open to the single doubters, however, I am convinced that if any sexually active person* tries to give up contraception in favor of NFP for 6 months (ideally at least 2 years, but that's too much to ask), the difference, and the difficulty of using NFP selfishly, will be obvious.

*If there's a single, sexually active person interested in NFP, I think nothing could be more educational than trying to persuade one's lover(s) to eliminate the use of condoms/pills.

And while we're at it, I hope everyone understands that pills cause early-stage abortions just like "emergency contraception" does. Trying to find a good link for you but gotta go.

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