This year will be one of the worst Christmases I have had in a while, in part because I have spent most of it arguing with someone fruitlessly over e-mail. I'm posting that primarily to remind myself not to do this again. But, since Christmas is already ruined, I'm still involved in another "e-argument" - the Santa thing.

First, I don't appreciate being called some sort of Grinch. I made an argument about something that was important to me based on a painful experience I had as a child that I'm hoping to prevent for my own children. I'm not attempting to ruin my children's Christmas, but rather hoping to tell them that it IS about something wondrous and beautiful - the birth of Christ, not some department-store substitution for it based on an elaborate series of deceptions. Second, the justifications for this practice have only confirmed my thoughts: "it's fun to watch them run around looking for Santa!" Sorry, that's just not right in my eyes. Every time I think about this issue, I imagine a sweet, innocent child's eyes looking into mine, asking me what Christmas is about. Do I make up a story, or do I tell the child the truth - not even an ugly truth, at that. I would feel horrible making up a story, and I hope that sense of disgust about manipulation remains with me when I am faced with telling my child about something important.

So if this makes me a Grinch, fine. But my kids will know their mother can be trusted, and won't sell them out for the sake of a stupid game.

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