Zorak's Church Reform: No More Homilies
Since everyone else is offering their ideas on how to change the church, here is mine:
No more preaching by priests. Old Oligarch tells me that in the early years of the Church, only bishops gave homilies, as many priests were not educated enough to preach and not ready to interpret Scripture on their own. Unfortunately the same situation is true today. I dread the homily at every mass I attend, thinking: will it be heretical? Or just lame?
Let's take as evidence of the need for the elimination of preaching the leading subjects of homilies I have heard.

Top Subjects for Homilies Zorak has Sat Through While Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist:
a. Don't do your will, do God's will!
b. Don't get caught up in materialism! Think about the real meaning of Christmas.
c. We're all equal in the eyes of God. No one is better than anyone else.
d. Give money to the poor. (This one really bugs me - not the message, but the consistent failure to provide any specifics as to how I incorporate this into my life. How much? How should I give - to the poor box in the Church or by handing out money on the street? Is this more important than other charities I am considering giving money to that aren't mentioned in the homily? Am I really supposed to get out my wallet in front of 3 scary-looking homeless people on the street? If the answer is yes, then fine, but I bet it's more nuanced than that.)
e. See Christ in others.

None of these in themselves is really so bad, except maybe (a), which O.O. notes sets up a nasty conflict between human will and God's will that isn't consistent with the fact that man is created in the image of God. However, they are generally completely devoid of content, as I noted on example (d). Preachers seem to feel that you're hearing the Christian message for the first time, rather than recognizing that most Christians are challenged by really applying the hard teachings of Christ.

So, Zorak, what DO you want preachers to discuss? Here are a few subjects:
a. The Immorality of Contraception
b. God's Plan for Humanity as Expressed by his Creation of Male and Female
c. Christian Financial Stewardship (i.e., not just how to make the checks out to our parish)
d. Why the Death Penalty is Wrong (I actually saw this one given by a Campus Ministry priest at CUA)
e. What's the Magisterium, and Why Do We Care
f. Basic Differences between Catholics and Protestants
g. Mortal Sin vs. Venial Sin

I know my "reform" will never happen, but wouldn't it be nice just to go and hear the word of God and receive the Eucharist on Sundays (like on the other days of the week) without cringing when the priest gets up to speak? These days, I cope with it by praying for the orthodoxy and quality of the homily, without actually listening to it.

I'm not going to start talking about my views on Church music (here's a hint, it would go the same route as the homilies) since I feel bad for carping on music after Fr. Jim has said such nice things about music in the high mass, and I agree that the low mass can eliminate all knowledge of how to do a high mass correctly if done for too long. In fact, that's probably what's happened at the churches I have attended. But Marty Haugen's "Gather Us In" is awful, and like a wounded animal, I'm prepared to gnaw off a vital part (of the Mass, in this case) to stop the pain.

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