What Blogs are For
After blogging for a bit and reading other people's blogs, here's a thought on how they work, (which may only be relevant to anonymous blogs like my own):

Bloggers do not seem to blog about the projects or issues they are concerned with in work/school. Instead, they write about the things they care about, that may be only somewhat related to how they are earning a living or their major goals in life. (This doesn't mean they don't care about their goals, only that there may be a number of passions which aren't all vocation-related.) For example, my husband's Loverman post. Clearly, it's not related to systematic theology, but he's thought a lot about it. If not for the blog, where would this thought find an outlet? In "casual" conversation with other theology students? Mmm, no. Maybe with a professor? Doubt it. Even a conversation with a good friend probably would not get around to the insight about Metallica's "Loverman," and would not have the ability to go through the whole song, verse by verse.
Blogs are able to provide an outlet for all these other interests and thoughts we have, which aren't exactly "relevant" to what we're doing, but want to be free.

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